An exciting & unique podcast serial based upon the life & letters of St. Paul

Under house arrest in Rome, Paul attempts to compose a letter to the church with the help of his trusty scribe…

As they talk, the audience are taken on exhilarating journey through the Book of Acts, meet a host of colourful characters, and hear Paul begin to come up with the ideas that will form the basis of his greatest writings.

Funny, dynamic, theatrical, timeless, unexpected & inspirational – ‘The Paul Podcasts’ powerfully brings to life the life & teachings of St Paul for today.


"The Paul Podcasts bring well loved biblical passages and stories to life in unexpected and delightful ways. This really is audio content at its best.

You will laugh, you will marvel at Mike’s creative insight but you will also grow deeper in understanding as you listen to familiar truth told in unfamiliar ways.

A fantastic resource for the church and believers everywhere; the Paul Podcasts deserve to be enjoyed and shared widely."

Cathy Madavan

Speaker, author and Kyria Network board member

“This podcast series brings the person and mission of the apostle Paul to life. Packed with scripture, true to God’s unfolding plan and told with clarity and humour. A joy to tune into as its wavelength brings the good news into our life and into a culture which will hear about the grace of God - maybe even for the first time.”

Marijke Hoek, Theologian

"Full of character and wit the highly engaging Paul Podcasts superbly re-imagine the eternal message of Paul in an captivating and accessible way. Mike and his team have successfully nailed both the medium and the message."

Revd Ashley Hardingham, Lead Minister Altrincham Baptist Church


“A surprising and engaging podcast as ‘St Paul’ takes on his 1st and 21st century critics. Looking forward to hearing more..”

Emily Jeffery, Broadcaster and Radio Producer.

“The Paul Podcasts are excellent! Very well produced and engaging. They really bring the story of Paul to life! Well done!”

Tom Ward, Director of Good News Broadcasting Association 


It began life as a stage show. A little over ten years ago, we created a show called ‘The Letter’,

which toured to churches and theatres throughout the UK, delighting, moving and inspiring audiences wherever it went.

The tour came to an end, however, we always felt as that our time with Paul wasn’t yet over.

Then - a couple of years ago - came the idea to create a podcast serial…


This was very exciting - but we had a lot of questions. We knew how the material worked well as a stage show -

but we weren’t sure how that would translate for people listening in a purely audio format. 

We were determined to keep the humour & life of the original, which had worked so well in the shared, communal

experience of a theatre show - but weren’t sure how that would come across to an audience of one?

How would we perform it? On stage we had been a small cast playing hundreds of characters, with silly voices,

hats & masks - did we now need to go all serious and naturalistic? 

So we created a new style, which sets out to capture the life, ethos - and indeed some of the original performances -

from the theatre show. Just for you.


Paul is timeless. We didn’t set out to create a period drama. Rather a performance that focuses very much on what Paul

has to say to us in the here and now. (This is one of the reasons we chose to stick to our original accents)


We hope you enjoy it.

(Please do recommend us to your friends)

We hope you’ll be entertained… inspired…

And discover this great man in a whole new way…


Written by Mike Peacock 

Performed by Mike & Becky Peacock with…

Jonathan Anelli, Matt Britton, Jamie Higgins, Diana Hopkins, Fiona Palmer & Ivan Scoble

Recorded at UCB Studios

Post Production Sound by Dave Aston